Extended Reality for Training Green Skills in the Construction sector
Partner organizations
Partner countries
10/2023 – 09/2025
XRGREEN.CON aims to promote circular economy topics in the construction sector by developing learning units through innovative AR/VR simulations. Vocational trainers in the sector will be trained with augmented reality on circular economy topics to develop experiences that are customized for learners. It will enable employees, employers and other stakeholders working in the sector to experience and practice in virtual simulations how to make construction more sustainable.
- A common curriculum and online content for trainers, allowing them to have new experiences with augmented reality
- A set of 20 XR exercises to train different steps in the construction sector, including guidance on waste recovery, circular economy and recycling
- Impact on stakeholders in the construction and VET sector through a series of dissemination activities: Webinars, presentations at congresses and other online and local promotions.
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