The aim of our projects is to develop concrete results that can be widely used and bring added value for business and education. These are prototype solutions, such as…
- practical, often digital tools or learning apps for use in companies and vocational training,
- Curricula for new courses
- Recommendations for action
- research reports
- etc.
See for yourself in our results library. Maybe there’s something interesting for you.
Talent Management
Talent 4.0
Research report
Talent 4.0 Research Report
Talent Management
Talent 4.0
Talent 4.0 Toolbox
Talent 4.0 has developed a toolbox featuring a selection of useful and practical resources catered explicitly to the needs of small and medium sized companies. Moreover, SMEs, Consultants, Education & HR Professionals and Experts as well as anyone else with interest in the field can benefit from it.
Talent Management
Talent 4.0
Training Programme
Talent 4.0 Training Programme
Digital & Innovative Forms of Learning
WBL goes virtual
Training Programme
Training Programme for Work-Based Learning Staff and Professionals
Digital & Innovative Forms of Learning
The Career Garden
Online Courses
Online internships
30 multilingual online modules are developed with different elements, such as interviews, a virtual tour of the company, research tasks, e-learning sequences, quizzes and practical tasks that students can try at home. The companies develop their own virtual modules with us using these predefined elements, but contribute their experience, expertise and ideas to make it a perfect fit.
Green Competences
Guide for education and integration of hydrogen technology
As part of the Green H2VR project, a guideline was developed to record the experiences and results gathered during the project. On the other hand, the guide is intended to support educational institutions or companies in implementing the Green H2VR app so that integration into existing (vocational) education and training programmes can be facilitated.
Green Competences
Training Programme
Training Programme for Management & Technologies of Water, Wastewater & Circular Economy

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