Younger workers, older workers and everyone in between have many competences, skills and energy. They also bring different values, motivations and ideas. Appropriate management concepts are needed to promote and address these.
The aim of the DEI4SME project is to develop a digital tool for the management of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in SMEs and the necessary digital educational resources.
- Erasmus+ I Cooperation Partnership
- 6 Partners
- 4 Countries
- 12/2023 – 12/2026

Mobita Interreg SI-AT
The main goal is to develop the SI-AT platform to enhance exchange and collaboration in career orientation. This is achieved by improving tools and skills for students in the program regions. Finally, the new career orientation model will be successfully piloted and prepared in Slovenia and Austria.
- Interreg SI-AT I Cooperation Partnership
- 4 Partners
- 2 Countries
- 09/2023 – 12/2026
The shortage of skilled workers in Europe is a growing problem for the region’s economic development. It is already having an impact on economic development in Europe. SMEs in particular are severely affected by this, as they do not have the same resources as larger industrial companies.
- Erasmus+ I Cooperation Partnership
- 7 Partners
- 6 Countries
- 12/2023 – 07/2028
Senior Talent
The main aim of the project is to develop ideas and concepts to keep the talents and skills of people before and at retirement age available for the labor market or to develop them further and make them creatively usable for other sectors and areas.
- Erasmus+ I Cooperation Partnership
- 5 Partners
- 4 Countries
- 12/2023 – 05/2026

The Interreg project LifeLongWood develops and tests modern information, career guidance and training tools as well as new competence networks to strengthen the competitiveness of the wood industry in the program region.
- Interreg I Cooperation Partnership
- 4 Partners
- 2 Countries
- 10/2023 – 09/2026

The #businessgoesviral project implements and tests the concept of using privately acquired social media skills of GenZ employees to build an online presence in the company.
- Erasmus+ I Cooperation Partnership
- 6 Partners
- 3 Countries
- 11/2022 – 10/2025

Within the framework of the project Talent 4.0, existing tools for talent management were examined with regard to their relevance for small and medium-sized enterprises. Based on the newly acquired insights, a toolbox was created that can be integrated into existing HR processes.
- Erasmus+ I Cooperation Partnership
- 8 Partners
- 6 Countries
(completed)01/2020 – 05/2023

Talent 4.0
Within the framework of the project Talent 4.0, existing tools for talent management were examined with regard to their relevance for small and medium-sized enterprises. Based on the newly acquired insights, a toolbox was created that can be integrated into existing HR processes.
- Erasmus+ I Cooperation Partnership
- 7 Partners
- 7 Countries
- 10/2018 – 03/2021 (completed)

Work-based learning (WBL) is an important part of vocational education and training in Europe, but educational institutions and companies use very different concepts in their approaches. This project helps different actors to find a common terminology
- Erasmus+ I Cooperation Partnership
- 7 Partners
- 6 Countries
- 10/2020 – 09/2022 (completed)

WBL Accelerator
Work-based learning (WBL) is an important part of vocational education and training in Europe, but educational institutions and companies use very different concepts and languages in their approaches. This project helps the various stakeholders to “speak a common language”
- Erasmus+ I Cooperation Partnership
- 7 Partners
- 6 Countries
- 10/2018 – 03/2021 (completed)

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.